Emirates Shooting
Shooting Ranges

One of Colonel’s daughter companies is Emirates Shooting, a company that has been in the market since 2003. Emirates shooting has been a pioneer in the field and one of the very first market players.
Emirates Shooting has conducted numerous turn key shooting ranges for various purposes and in different fields. We are honored to be the main contractor for the shooting ranges of the Dubai Training Police and Dubai Army Training shooting ranges. In addition, we’ve worked with multiple more governmental sectors, to build shooting training systems and ranges.
- Our business has expanded from commercial shooting ranges, as we can provide real feeling of a shooting range and shoot equipment while can completely be tailored to be safely used by civilians.
- Emirates Shooting can also provide you with personalized shooting ranges, for the ones who are courageous enough and seek to have a different kind of home entertainment.
- Our team is experienced in designing, manufacturing, installing, supplying all needed equipment, installing safety devices, handling acquisitions and noises. Nevertheless, we never neglect maintaince and updating our equipment, our after-sales service center will handle all the process.


Stationary Popup Target

LOMAH (Location Of Miss And Hit)

Target Retrieval System

Protections (Walls, Ceilings, Floors)

Laser Simulation